About Us
The Urban Cycling Institute is an impact-driven non-profit research and education organization that builds capacity and knowledge for the transition to sustainable, just and active urban mobility futures.
Key Issues We Address
Shifting away from planning for cars
Bringing science to practice - and back
Pushing for the urgent need to act
Our top priority is to nurture a global network of knowledgeable and empowered leaders who drive action in their communities
How do we create change?

| Education | Research | Collaboration
We offer transformative education for understanding and rethinking mobility systems and governance.
We conduct cross-discipline and state of art research to better understand the complexities of cycling.
We collaborate with various stakeholders for specialised trainings and tailored data collection to improve projects and policy
Learn With Us
You can become part of a diverse and global network of empowered individuals by orienting yourself with learning opportunities we host and provide. Choose from a range of options suited to your needs, context and time.

| Study Visits | Courses & Training | Scholarship Program
Our learning resources and education uses urban cycling as a lens to explore challenges, phenomena and solutions that redefine transport in cities.
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You can also support our work by making a donation. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at contact@urbancyclinginstitute.org
Get Empowered With Tools and Knowledge for Local Action with Global Impact