It's the time of the week again! Get your comfy indoor-cycling onesies ready, here is your reading list for the weekend: A policy discussion on the cycling environment in Darwin, Australia; Updates from our work on active mobility on Bonaire; And finally a journey of emotions and personal stories through the method of autoethnography in a fantastic photo-essay. Share your thoughts in the comment section!
How much space is dedicated to cycling in Darwin?
By Jed Finnane, graduate of Online Tutorial Series. Read the full article here.
How can we enhance active mobility and reduce health inequities? Example on the Dutch Caribbean island
Download and read the full report for ‘Enhancing Active Mobility on Bonaire’ by Dylan Power and Meredith Glaser here.

How can we deepen our understanding of cycling practices in different contexts?
By Mohammad Nazarpoor, visiting PhD and a cycling activist. Read the full article here.